Check e-Poster Presentation List

Congratulations on the acceptance of you abstract as “e-Poster presentation”. Please refer to the following request for the e-Poster presenters.

e-Poster Guideline

The e-Poster presentation replaces by submitting a PDF file. There will be neither a verbal presentation nor a Q&A session for the e-poster. Please strictly follow the guideline while making your presentation. Your e-Poster Presentation will be posted on the website during the congress. Please be punctual for the submission due.

★e-Poster Presentation Submission Due: March 31 (Wed), 2021

e-Poster Presentation Guideline e-Poster Template

Copyright Transfer Form

All Presenters must submit the completed copyright transfer form when the e-Poster Presentation file (PDF).

★Copyright Transfer Form Submission Due: March 31 (Wed), 2021

Go To Copyright Transfer Form


All presenters must complete the registration. If the presenter does not register by the deadline of registration, the abstract automatically withdraw from the final program.
Please note that the foreign presenters will get free registration. (We will send free registration waiver code via email.)

★ Registration Due : April 19 (Mon), 2021

Go To Registration (KOR) Go To Registration (ENG)