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Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine (KSCCM) will hold the 41st KSCCM Annual Congress · Acute and Critical Care Conference on April 30th – May 1st 2021, as a form of on-line conference. Authors are encouraged to submit an abstract for presentation at the conference.
Abstract Submission Open
30 November, 2020
Abstract Submission Deadline
12 March 2021
Acceptance Notice
23 March 2021
Read all instructions and submitter's information carefully.
Create an abstract (Topic, Title, Abstract body).
Select the number of all author and fill in all authors' information.
Review and submit your abstract.
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
1. Abstract
2. Modifications and changes
3. Abstract ID Number & acknowledgement of abstract submission
4. Abstract Notifications
5. Withdrawal of Abstracts
During abstract submission you will be asked to declare the following: